The audiobook, Gangsta in the
House, is a collection of observations and conclusions made by a fifteen-year veteran police officer from
Houston, Texas. The 4:43 Hour series begins with the prologue which is a graphic fictional account
of a drive-by shooting and is based on a compilation of real life incidents.
This audiobook has two themes: One; gang members are seeking firm, fair, and consistent external discipline
to help them decide where social boundaries are located, and Two; promises kept breed respect for the system
while promises broken breed contempt.
Gangsta in the House features a conversational style,
but does include a touch of humor. The subject is, however, very serious and relevant to today's social environment. The audiobook
should take the mystery out of the gang experience and open doors to understanding why these young people do the things they
do. An explanation about how gang members perceive the world differently than "normal" people and how that different perception
occurs is offered.
The listener learns about the three big lies told by
all street gangs to their members and how those lies help in recruiting new members and bolstering the image of the gang. Listeners
also discover that most criminal street gangs fall into one of the five "families" of gangs and how to recognize these
broad families. Girl Gangs, and the nature of the gang uniform
and the purpose of graffiti are discussed in great detail.
The last three chapters of the series: Empowerment, Denial and the Cure formulate
conclusions and detail specific suggestions for change in the way we deal with crime and punishment issues. The listener
may be surprised by the nature and scope of these changes--particularly coming from a person of the Author's background. Gangsta in the House offers practical, common sense solutions for
parents, communities, and governments that could effect gangs and crime in America and make our neighborhoods safer for us
and our children. |
What others have to say about
this audio series and book: |
"...an educated look at the problem of gangs,
but written in a style that provides interesting and absorbing reading..."
- Wes McBride, President, California Gang Investigators Association |
"Mike Knox has hit the bulls eye, Gangsta
in the House is a chilling account of how gang members think, feel and act. It effectively brings adults into this uncharted
world offering insight and relevance."
- Larry Audas - News Anchor KTHV-TV (CBS) Little Rock Arkansas |
"Gangsta in the House takes the glamour
away... it is both frightening and fascinating and should be required reading for all parents, police officers, social workers,
judges, ministers, priests, rabbis, and educators."
- Dr. Lynne W. Boyle, Detroit Public Schools |
"The problems of the big city are no longer
confined to its corridors. Gangsta in the House offers information on what communities can do to get kids away from
- The Source, Michigan |
"Gangsta in the House delves into
why children turn to gangs, how parents behavior may encourage it and what steps parents can take to deal with the problem."
- Malcomb Daily |
"The book Gangsta in the House is
a must for young adults and parents alike! It will inform you...may shock you, but will offer you a better understanding of
the gang culture. I recommend it!"
- Mike Slater - News Director KAPS 660-AM, Mt. Vernon, Washington |
"Parents learn what gang leaders are telling
kids in Gangsta in the House. We have more in common than we want to believe."
- Detroit News |
Why are youth attracted to gangs?
Why is graffiti so important
to gangs?
Why is denial such a big hurdle
in dealing with gang issues?
Once in a gang, os it possible
to get out?
Can gang violence be explained,
combatted or understood?
What are the 3 big promises gangs
make and how can parents prove them to be lies?
What can parents do if the suspect
their child might be involved with a gang?
In 1940
in Halls
Out of Turn in Line
Improper Clothing
Not Putting
Paper in Wastebasket
Today in 2003
Drug Abuse
Alcohol Abuse
Weapons in School
Teen Pregnancy
And Much, Much More ... And Much Worse!
Three Big Lies All Gangs Tell |
- P R O T E C T I O N
Gang members tell themselves they must belong to a gang to remain safe, before, during , and after school |
Membership in a street gang exponentially increases risk of physical danger to the gang member. |
- B E L O N G I N G
Gangs claim to treat you like a family and care about your welfare. They claim not to judge and to accept you
as you are - good or bad as that may be. |
Gangs function directly opposite of true families. Where true families sacrifice, for example, for the benefit of individuals,
the gang requires the individual to sacrifice for the whole. Further, the gang does judge you by requiring a certain type
of dress and adherence to a rules code, often enforced violently. |
- R E S P E C T
Gang members always mistake fear as respect. They continually worry about who is, or is not, showing a proper amount
of "respect/fear". Fear does share many results with respect but there is a significant difference. |
One can make another afraid but no one can force another to have regard for another person. The difference between respect
and fear is the difference between repulsion and attraction. |
Gang Members Respect |
Honesty |
Gang members, whatever age, respect honesty above all things. It is , therefore,
imperative that teachers, administrators and other adults follow through with promises of rewards and of punishments. |
Discipline |
Gang members depend on rules to guide them in making decision on whom are their
enemies, on whose actions among their peers where acceptable and many other social situations. These rules are accepted because
they are universally enforced by the gang. |
Clear Boundaries |
Clearly stated, simple rules, enforced in a FIRM, FAIR AND CONSISTENT manner
establish definite boundaries. These boundaries give a sense of security to the individual gang member and that allows him
to succeed within the system. |
1. Sudden self-segregation.
2. Clustering of rival
groups. |
3. Unusual movement
of groups from their normal territory. |
4. Students attending
school event which they do not normally attend. |
5. Isolated racial
fights. |
6. Violent incident
or disorder in the community. |
7. Discovery of weapons
on or around school property. |
8. Increased conflict
on buses, at bus stops, and along bus routes. |
9. Increased concern
among custodial, cafeteria and transportation personnel. |
10. Parents withdrawing
students to protect them. |
11. Older students
attempting to protect younger students who are not their siblings. |
12. Increase in gang
graffiti on walls, textbooks, and papers. |
13. "X-ing" out of
graffiti on walls, fences, etc. in the neighborhood. |
14. Sudden and excessive
change of the style of manner of wearing clothes. |
15. Limited color choices
of clothing (usually to one or two colors only). |
16. The sudden interest
and excessive concern about the condition of accessories, such as bandannas. |
"Each time I dropped
by to observe student reaction to your sessions, you were totally engaged with the students, able to keep their attention
and present your important message in a most age appropriate and convincing manner." Lisa Pedrini, Violence Prevention Coordinator, Vancouver School Board, Vancouver, B.C. |
"Your presentation
remained a lively lesson for all of us on the South Area Behavior Resource Team as we clearly remembered the differences between
respect and fear, and the illusion of protection and family belonging that entices youth into gangs. Because we deal daily
with troubled kids your lessons and the great hand out has served us well in improving our own skills in this area. Your skills
in reaching kids of different ages as well as professional staff with respect, clear-headedness and with street wisdom impressed
us all! Know you HAVE made a difference and that we are grateful." Barbara
S. Panagapka M.A., Behavioral Consultant Program Leader, South Area Behavior Resource Team, Waterloo Regional District School
Board, Guelph, Ontario, Canada |
"Mike Knox opens the
doors to understanding why the young people do the things they do." Houston
Chronicle |
"Education is the key
to defeating the gang problem. Mike Knox's teachings offer vital information on how to combat gangs." The Source Newspaper (Michigan) |
"Mike Knox offers parents
the solutions to recognize that gangs are a part of society." Houston
Defender |
"Thanks to Mr. Knox's
presentation, our agent personnel now have another tool to use to combat drugs (gang activity) in our communities." James A. Calhoun, Division Training Coordinator, D.E.A., United States Department
of Justice |
"Mike Knox's presentation
gave us some 'Real Life' answers. I was impressed to hear the teens responding positively to what they heard. Some teens commented
that they really want to turn their lives around." Senator
Jerry Patterson, State Senator - District 11, Texas |
"Ever community in
America should avail itself of Mike Knox's knowledge and experience. After listening to his presentation, I too believe there
is hope for our troubled youth." Sheriff Philip A.
Chance, Jr., Mahoning County Sheriff's Department, Youngstown, Ohio |
"Wow! What a rush to
see Mike Knox speak! The parents, teachers and city employees have not stopped talking about what they have learned!" Officer Debbie R. Rule, Balch Springs Police Department, City of Balch Springs,
Texas |
"Mike Knox gave a fantastic
presentation on gangs! Teachers that attended recommended that we bring him back so those that missed his presentation would
have the opportunity to participate." Jennifer Alexander,
Lee High School, Houston Independent School District |
"I'd like to comment
on the fabulous presentation by Mike Knox. His energy and knowledge was transformed to the children in a very positive, exciting
manner. The children have basic facts about gangs and the consequences, however it becomes more real and valid when reinforced
by a person of his caliber. I would highly recommend his presentation to other students. Thanks for giving us the opportunity
to hear his presentation." Lindy Jones, Assistant Superintendent,
School District No. 42, Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows |
GANGSTA IN THE HOUSE - The 4:43 Hour Audio
is Accompanied by
DEMYSTIFY GANGS in a 93-Minute VHS Video Format
is also Available For Immediate Prepaid Purchase and Delivery By Mail
Post Office Box 663
South Plainfield, NJ 07080-0663
Click Here to Purchase By Check, Money Order or Credit Card
